Wednesday, March 20, 2024

122nd HSD Celebratiom

 The Ilocos Sur National High School celebrated its 122nd High School Day. This event marked a significant milestone in the school’s history,

event marked a significant milestone in the school’s history, showcasing the achievements and successes of its students, faculty, and alumni. Cultural Performances are also common during high school day celebrations. Students and Teachers  have prepared traditional dances,songs, or skits that represent the local culture such as Sinulog Festival that grade 10 students performed. We also had a parade, it was pretty fun but tiring In addition to these activities, there was an  awarding ceremonies to recognize sudents(us) for our outstanding and a job well done performance. Teachers and staff members  have also been acknowledged for their dedication and contributions to the school community.

In addition to these activities, there was an awarding ceremony to recognize students(us) and for our outstanding and a job well done performance . Teachers and staff members are also acknowledged for their dedication and contributions to the school community.

Overall, the 122nd High School Day Celebration at Ilocos Sur National High School was likely a festive and memorable event that brought together students, teachers, alumni, and parents to celebrate the school’s legacy and success.


The Estudyantepreneur blog is a platform dedicated to providing valuable insights, tips, and resources for student entrepreneurs. It covers a wide range of topics related to entrepreneurship. The Estudyantepreneur blog serves as an educational resource for students interested in entrepreneurship. It offers practical advice, case studies, and expert insights to help aspiring student entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of starting and running a business while pursuing their academic goals.

Estudyantepreneur  also provides networking opportunities for student entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, investors, and industry experts. Building a strong network is crucial for the success of any entrepreneur, and the blog facilitates these connections through its online community.

  Estudyantepreneur keeps readers informed about the latest trends, developments, and opportunities in the entrepreneurial landscape. Staying updated on industry trends is essential for student entrepreneurs to adapt to changing market conditions and seize new opportunities for growth.

Valentine’ Celebration

 Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, is a celebration observed on February 14 each year. It is a day when people express their affection for one another, typically through the exchange of cards, flowers, gifts, and romantic gestures. The origins of Valentine’s Day can be traced back to ancient Roman and Christian traditions.

Over time, Valentine’s Day has evolved into a day dedicated to love and romance. Common customs associated with Valentine’s Day include sending greeting cards (known as valentines), giving flowers (particularly red roses), exchanging gifts, and sharing romantic meals with loved ones. Some people also choose this day to propose marriage or reaffirm their commitment to their partners and I celebrated mine with my friends, I gave them a bouquet of butterflies and a flower and i was so glad that they appreciated it and I was the one who gave them their first bouquet of butterflies.

While some people view Valentine’s day as a commercialized holiday, others embrace it as an opportunity to express their feelings for their partners, friends, and family members. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards celebrating self-love and friendship on Valentine’s day emphasizing the importance of all forms of love and relationships.

Overall,Valentine’s day continues to be a significant cultural observance that promotes love, affection, and connection among individuals worldwide.

Ilocos Sur Festival

 The Ilocos Sur Festival is a vibrant celebration of the rich cultural heritage of the province of Ilocos Sur in the Philippines. This festival showcases various aspects of the region’s traditions, history, arts, and cuisine, attracting both locals and tourists alike.

 The Ilocos Sur Festival has deep roots in the history and traditions of the province. It is a way for the people of Ilocos Sur to honor their heritage and showcase their unique cultural identity through music, dance, food, and other forms of artistic expression.

Activities and Events at Ilocos Sur Festival: During the festival, visitors can enjoy a wide

range of activities and events that highlight the best of what Ilocos Sur has to offer. These may include traditional dances, music performances, art exhibits, culinary showcases, parades, street parties, and more. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

2023 National Children's Month Celebration with the Theme "Healthy, Nourished, Sheltered: Ensuring the Right To Life for All

 2023 National Children’s Month Celebration with the Theme “Healthy, Nourished, Sheltered: Ensuring the Right To Life for All

The 2023 National Children’s Month celebration with the theme “Healthy, Nourished, Sheltered: Ensuring the Right To Life for All” aims to highlight the importance of ensuring the well-being and rights of children. This theme emphasizes the fundamental rights of children to live a healthy and nourished life in a safe and secure environment. The celebration serves as a platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by children and advocate for their rights to health, nutrition, and shelter.

Importance of the Theme

The theme “Healthy, Nourished, Sheltered: Ensuring the Right To Life for All” underscores the significance of addressing the holistic needs of children. It emphasizes that ensuring their right to life goes beyond mere existence but encompasses their overall well-being. By focusing on health, nutrition, and shelter, the theme recognizes that these factors are essential for children to thrive and reach their full potential. Additionally, it draws attention to the role of society and policymakers in creating an environment where children can grow up healthy and protected.

Promoting Health and Well-being

The theme aligns with efforts to promote children’s health and well-being by advocating for access to quality healthcare services, nutritious food, and safe living conditions. It emphasizes the need for comprehensive healthcare initiatives that address both physical and mental health aspects. Furthermore, it encourages initiatives aimed at combating malnutrition and ensuring that children have access to proper nutrition for their growth and development. Additionally, it underscores the importance of providing secure and stable housing environments that contribute to children’s overall well-being.

Advocating for Children’s Rights

Through this theme, there is a focus on advocating for children’s rights at various levels. It calls for policies and programs that prioritize children’s rights to health, nutrition, and shelter. This includes advocating for adequate healthcare infrastructure, nutritional support programs, and housing policies that safeguard children’s well-being. Moreover, it emphasizes the need for legal frameworks that protect children from neglect, abuse, and inadequate living conditions.

Celebration the the Christmas Season in its essence, in the new normal

Celebrating the Christmas Season in the New Normal

The Christmas season is a time of joy, love, and togetherness, but in the new normal brought
about by the COVID-19 pandemic, celebrations may need to be adapted to ensure safety and compliance with public health guidelines. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, there are various ways to celebrate the Christmas season while embracing the new normal.

Virtual Celebrations

One of the most prominent ways to celebrate Christmas in the new normal is through virtual gatherings. With video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet, families and friends can come together virtually to share in the festive spirit. Virtual celebrations can include activities such as exchanging gifts, singing carols, and enjoying a holiday meal together while being physically apart.

Outdoor Activities

Another approach to celebrating Christmas in the new normal is by engaging in outdoor activities that allow for social distancing. This can include decorating outdoor spaces with festive lights and decorations, organizing outdoor movie nights with holiday-themed films, or even participating in socially distanced caroling within neighborhoods.

New Year, New Me

 The phrase “new year, new me” is often used as a declaration of intent to make positive changes in one’s life at the beginning of a new year. This concept reflects the human desire for self-improvement and personal growth. It signifies a fresh start and an opportunity to set new goals, adopt healthier habits, and work towards becoming the best version of oneself. The idea behind “new year, new me” is to embrace change, leave behind negative patterns or behaviors, and strive for self-improvement in various aspects of life.

Implementing “New Year, New Me”

  1. Setting Clear Goals: To embrace the “new year, new me” mindset effectively, it’s essential to set clear and achievable goals. These goals can encompass various areas such as health, career, relationships, personal development, and more.

  2. Embracing Change: Embracing change is a fundamental aspect of implementing the “new year, new me” concept. This involves being open to new experiences, learning from past mistakes, and being willing to step out of one’s comfort zone.

  3. Self-Reflection and Evaluation: Engaging in self-reflection allows individuals to assess their strengths and weaknesses. This introspective process can help in identifying areas for improvement and charting a path towards personal growth.

  4. Taking Action: The concept of “new year, new me” is not just about setting intentions but also about taking concrete actions towards achieving one’s goals. This may involve adopting healthier habits, seeking new opportunities, or making positive changes in various aspects of life.

  5. Staying Committed: Implementing lasting change requires commitment and perseverance. It’s important to stay focused on the desired outcomes and remain dedicated to the journey of self-improvement throughout the year.

122nd HSD Celebratiom

  The Ilocos Sur National High School celebrated its 122nd High School Day. This  event marked a significant milestone in the school’s histo...